Kitchen Pantry Makeover

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Whew! The last couple of weeks have been kind of crazy for me! I was on two different medicines with some crazy side effects that honestly (you want the truth, right?) just made me feel like poo! I won't bore you with all the gory details... right now anyway.  :)  Maybe one day I'll do a recap, but for now I'm just glad those two weeks are over with! In fact, I felt so good this weekend that I did a little organizing on Sunday afternoon. Those closest to me or anyone who has worked with me knows I'm an organizing addict. I LOVE organizing! Yes, I'm one of those crazy people.

The disarray of our kitchen pantry has been driving me insane for a few months, but it never bothered me to the point that I would actually do anything about it until this weekend. The organizing bug just bit me I guess because after church I told Darren we needed to go to the store so I could get supplies. "Supplies" are baskets, bins, etc. I hit the Dollar Tree first hoping that they would have some plastic bins that I liked. Thank goodness I decided to stop there first because I hit the jackpot! They had loads of just the type of things I was looking for and in every color you can imagine. I spent a whopping $14.00 and was able to get everything I needed for my pantry overhaul.

As an obsessive organizer, I'm almost ashamed to show you the "before" shot. Please don't judge me! Here is the horrendous mess that my pantry was this morning...

I know! It's dreadful, isn't it?! That's why it needed to be organized. I really can't believe I let it get that bad. Thank goodness there is an "after" picture to that. Much better, don't you think?

The best thing about organizing is the purging. I hate clutter so I was almost glad when I found something expired that I could toss. Weird, I know! I love how much more space I have now. All of the red containers are from Dollar Tree. I used a FREE editable / printable chalkboard label (get it HERE) to label what is in each bin. The labels will help me keep things organized going forward since everything has it's specified place. Although I had so much fun doing this I might let it get out of control again one day... I'm totally joking.  ;)

Things I'm Loving Thursday : Valentine's Day Printables

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!! This is for you last minute scramblers. Print one (or more) of these amazing FREEBIES and you'll look like you actually had a plan the entire time! See, I've totally got your back.  X O X O

Printable Valentine Coupons
Printable Heart Banner
Printable Valentine Bingo Cards
Printable Be Mine Print

Sugar Cookies for my Valentine

My husband happened to call me yesterday while I was baking his annual batch of Valentine's Day sugar cookies. He asked what I was doing and I answered "I'm making the real reason why you started dating me". He said "Oh, sugar cookies!". The fact that he didn't hesitate with his answer is kind of hysterical and kind of scary too. Is that actually the REAL reason he asked me out?! LOL! I think the truth is that we had this whole back and forth flirting thing which happened to involve sugar cookies when we first started dating 5 years ago this month. I HOPE that is all it is. I like to imagine that he really liked me for me and not my baking skills. Nevertheless, I have him now. That's all that really matters, right?  :)

Things I'm Loving Thursday : DIY Valentine's Day Projects

Thursday, February 7, 2013

There are so many amazing do-it-yourself ideas out there for Valentine's Day this year! My fellow bloggers have really outdone themselves this time. For me it has actually turned a holiday that I never really liked into one that I am looking forward to. Pretty impressive. Here is a little round-up of the DIY crafty Valentine's Day projects that are on my "I wish I had time to do all of these" list. I love every single one!


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