In 2010 I opened up Katie Darling Paper Co. (known then as Bahana Splits Boutique) as a venue to sell cards that I made in my free time. I had no idea that within 3 years my "hobby" shop would sell over $65,000 worth of my very own handmade goods and craft supplies and that I would be shipping orders all over the globe. I had zero business education, no marketing or SEO skills, and no idea how to be a small business owner. What I did have was "want to" and Google. :) I read books about starting a business and product photography. I read every single help article Etsy published for sellers... I mean it!! Every single one. I say all this to say, anyone can do this if they want it bad enough. Don't ever doubt yourself.
Circumstances in my life have changed A LOT since my business took off. I became a mama in 2014. That changed everything. I've discovered many things about myself too... one of those being that I'm not the kind of parent that can pull myself away from my kid when we're home together to focus on my business. I wish I were better at that, but I'm not. Given the choice, I always choose Kate and as a result, my business has taken the back seat in my life. But that's ok. I'm ok with it. I've decided to close my shop so that I can wholeheartedly enjoy my time at home with my family without the guilt knowing that my business is suffering because I'd rather not pull myself away from them when we're together.
I'm so grateful for the past 6 1/2 years. I've learned so much and have been able to meet and interact with so many amazing people. Some of my best memories are of my husband staying up late with me to help package orders, my shop being featured on Etsy's home page, participating in craft shows, surpassing 10,000 orders, and getting a call from Real Simple magazine to send them samples. My stuff didn't make the final cut for the spread, but it was still such an honor to be chosen as an option!! It's been a wonderful experience and I'm so thankful to every one of my customers. You are the ones who made it happen.
Lastly, I want to thank my husband for supporting me and sticking with me through the ups and downs of running a creative home business. Only you and I know the scale of all you've done.
Changing gears now!! Everything that is left in the shop has been discounted and is ready to ship. In addition to the already reduced prices, you can use the coupon code GOODBYE for an extra 25% off. Link to shop HERE.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

- Hannah -